Suicide Policy Research
About this journal
This is an open access, peer-reviewed journal to disseminate latest, expeditious trends of suicide and suicide countermeasures worldwide. The journal has a special focus on useful, practical evidence for suicide policy making and suicide reduction. Not only to provide an evidence of academic research, but also to disseminate cases for giving clue for the better future practice, or lessons learned from various case of suicide countermeasures in frontline. Our journal tries to contribute to better solution of suicide reduction worldwide.
The publisher and editorial office of the Suicide Policy Research has transferred to Japan Suicide Countermeasures Promotion Center (JSCP) on 1st April, 2020. JSCP was established on the basis of Article 4 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Promotion of Surveys and Research to Facilitate Comprehensive and Effective Implementation of Suicide Countermeasures and Utilization, etc. of Outcomes thereof, etc. This journal will disseminate information about the advanced research deliverables on suicide prevention policy and deal with a wide range of studies, such as Original Articles, Reviews, Reports and Commentaries. This journal will be published semi-annually on the website and in print.
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Suicide Policy Research Vol.3 No.1 2020 (Dec. 25, 2020)
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Volume 2, No.2 (Published: June 20, 2019)
※Published by Japan Support Center for Suicide Countermeasures (JSSC)
- All documents PDF
- The Key Policies of Japan’s Suicide Countermeasures PDF
- How Does Community Engagement Pertain to Suicide Countermeasures? PDF
- Teaching Primary and Secondary School Students How to Raise an SOS:Three Practical Models for Nationwide Implementation PDF
- Exploring New Directions in Suicide Countermeasures That Make Use of ICT PDF
- Evidence for Suicide Prevention Education in Schools:Comparing Programs Abroad and Instruction on How to Raise an SOS PDF
- The Current State of Youth Suicide Countermeasures from a Public Health Perspective PDF
- Report on the tenth WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Forum PDF
- Background to and Comments on the Guidebook for Those Bereaved PDF
- Guidelines for the Comprehensive Support of Those Bereaved PDF
- 자살 유가족 지원을 위한 종합 매뉴얼 PDF
- Law on Promotion of Surveys and Research to Facilitate Comprehensive and Effective Implementation of Suicide Countermeasures and Utilization, etc. of Outcomes thereof, etc. PDF
Volume 2, No.1 (Published: April 20, 2018)
※Published by Japan Support Center for Suicide Countermeasures (JSSC)
- All documents PDF
- Suicide Countermeasures for Attempted Suicide Survivors Based on the General Principles of Suicide Prevention Policy PDF
- Trends of Suicide and Suicide Countermeasures in Cambodia PDF
- Local Suicide Countermeasure Policy Packages PDF
- Guidelines for Municipal Suicide Countermeasure Planning PDF
- 시정촌 자살대책계획 수립 지침서 〜누구도 자살로 내몰리지 않는 사회 실현을 목표로〜 PDF
- 자살대책기본법의 일부 개정한 법률안 신구 대조표 PDF
- The Second International Forum on Suicide Prevention Policy Research Evidence -Innovation of Suicide Countermeasures in Japan- Held on 20 Jan, 2018 Proceedings PDF
Volume 1, No.1 (Published: November 24, 2017)
※Published by Japan Support Center for Suicide Countermeasures (JSSC)
- All documents PDF
- The Present Trend of Suicide Prevention Policy in Japan PDF
- Basic Law on Suicide Countermeasures (Law No. 85 of 2006) PDF
- Launch of the New General Principles of Suicide Policy in Japan PDF
- General Principles of Suicide Prevention Policy - Realizing a Society in Which No One Is Driven to Take Their Own Life - PDF
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