Investigations & Research

Innovative Research Program on Suicide Countermeasures: Final Report on Commissioned Research Results

 We have published the final report of the Innovative Research Program on Suicide Countermeasures in FY2023.
 Previously, we published a results report for this program for each fiscal year. However, with the adoption of research projects spanning multiple years in FY2022, we have decided to publish a final report on the overall research results of completed projects, in addition to the results report, starting this year. The difference with a results report is that the final report includes not only the results of a single year but covers the results for the entire research period, from the year of adoption to the year of completion.
 This final report includes the reports of the 5 projects completed in FY2023 out of the 16 projects adopted in FY2022. The breakdown across the three areas is as follows:

    • Field 1: Suicide prevention for children and youth (2 projects)
    • Field 2: Analysis and approach towards high-risk groups for suicide (2 projects)
    • Field 3: Suicide countermeasures using big data, AI, etc. (1 project)

 For researchers, submitting a final report marks a milestone in their research activities. For recipients, a final report can also be viewed as a starting point for linking the research results to subsequent research topics and further concrete social implementations.
 We hope that the contents of this final report will be widely shared among researchers and practitioners, thereby generating constructive dialogue and helping to promote innovation in comprehensive suicide countermeasures.

December 2024

Secretariat of Innovative Research Program on Suicide Countermeasures
Takashi Nishio, Manager of the Department of Research and Analytics
Japan Suicide Countermeasures Promotion Center


Innovative Research Program on Suicide Countermeasures:
Final Report on Commissioned Research Results

Field 1: Suicide prevention for children and youth

Topic number/ Research topic Principal Researcher / Institution* Results


The Effectiveness of an Online Truancy Intervention Program on School Reintegration

Toshiki Ikeda

Katariba (Approved Specified Non-Profit Organization)


PDF(in Japanese)


Development of suicide prevention program for AYA generation focusing on social isolation and loneliness among college students and perinatal women.

Takeo Fujiwara

Department of Global Health Promotion,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University


PDF(in Japanese)

The Institution of the principal investigator is as of March 31, 2024.

Field 2: Analysis and approach towards high-risk groups for suicide

Topic number/ Research topic Principal Researcher / Institution* Results


Examination of cognitive function and cognitive bias for the prediction and prevention of suicidal behaviors in individuals with traumatic experiences

Yoshiharu Kim

National Institute of Mental Health,
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry


PDF(in Japanese)


Analysis of medical consultation condition by suicide attempters using DPC and claim data

Shinya Matsuda

Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, School of Medicine
University of Occupational and Environmental Health


PDF(in Japanese)

The Institution of the principal investigator is as of March 31, 2024.

Field 3: Suicide countermeasures using big data, AI, etc.

Topic number/ Rresearch topic Principal Researcher / Institution Results


Research on promoting the utilization of micro data such as statistics that contribute to post-corona suicide countermeasures

Hiroe Tsubaki

Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS),
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM)


PDF(in Japanese)

The Institution of the principal investigator is as of March 31, 2024.