Investigations & Research

International Cooperation Projects

Establishing a global suicide countermeasures network and developing human resources

One of the strategic endeavors of the Japan Suicide Countermeasures Promotion Center (JSCP) is to actively export its policies overseas, aiming to become a champion of suicide countermeasures globally.
JSCP has been designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre that conducts activities for suicide countermeasures and human resource development.
Specific activities include participation in the mhGAP (Mental Health Gap Action Programme) held at the WHO headquarters, observing other Asian countries (Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam etc.), and taking part in information sharing activities in Europe and the United States.
In this way we work together with the WHO to contribute internationally by promoting suicide countermeasures, whilst also sharing information about our leading projects and their results with the rest of the world. With the goal of being a global champion for suicide countermeasures, JSCP will also continue its activities by not only organising the International Forum on Suicide Prevention Policy, which aims to hold international and academic discussions on policy development, but also through creating international human resource development programs, which is an important mission of WHOCC.

About WHO Collaborating Centres

International Forum on Suicide Prevention Policy

WHO documents

  • National suicide prevention strategies: progress, examples and indicators PDF
  • Preventing suicide: a resource for filmmakers and others working on stage and screen PDF
  • Preventing suicide: a community engagement toolkit PDF
  • Zero Suicide: Rotterdam Declaration (2018) PDF
  • Preventing suicide: a resource for media professionals, update 2017 PDF

Documents by JSCP

  • Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak ※This article has been discontinued.
  • Social Stigma associated with COVID-19 PDF

Meeting Reports

Year Date Meeting Lacation Report
2020 Nov. 10-11 WHO “Getting started with suicide prevention implementation in countries: LIVE LIFE knowledge exchange and development of guidance” Online Unpublished
2019 Oct. 14-15 WHO Mental Health Forum Geneva PDF
2019 Nov. 5-6 Meeting on national suicide prevention strategy:implementation and evaluation Geneva PDF
2018 Oct. 11-12 mhGAP (Mental Health Gap Action Programme) Geneva PDF
2018 Nov. 22-23 WHOCC WPRO regional forum

Ho Chi Minh

2017 Oct. 9-10 mhGAP (Mental Health Gap Action Programme) Geneva PDF
2016 Nov. 28-29 WHOCC WPRO regional forum Manila PDF

2016-2019 are meetings prior to the start of JSCP (April 2020).

Webpage: WHO Suicide Prevention