About JSCP

WHO Collaborating Centre

WHO Collaborating Centre

To expand and deepen the global network of suicide countermeasures

WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) are designated for the international implementation  of WHO's activity programs, with more than 800 research institutes and university laboratories in about 80 countries. JSCP, just as Japan Support Center for Suicide Countermeasures (JSSC, which JSCP took over the project of), was certified as a WHOCC (J-99: Research and Training in Suicide Prevention) in January 2021. JSCP is one of the members affiliated with the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) in Manila. Through various international activities, JSCP aims to play a leading role by providing advice and guidance on suicide countermeasures to WPRO countries, considering suicide countermeasures in a global scale. As a WHOCC, the main activities that JSCP should be responsible for are to build a global network for suicide countermeasures and to develop human resources involved in suicide countermeasures. For more details, please go to International Cooperation Projects.
